We'd like to thank everyone for preventing us of dead links. For the moment, we are note able to re-up them.

Feel free to keep on preventing us of those dead links. We will update them when we (I and Jeb-E-Diah) have more time to (understand : from september). Some of them will be partially or completely repacked considering albums which would have been issued thereafter and surely with new and improved artworks.

Stay tuned !

Monday, May 26, 2008

ANGE (ABO#068)


It's very uneasy to speak of progressive music in the french show business. It seems there is a lack of interest for that kind of music. Although there are great french progressive bands (Magma, 4/3 de Trio, Nemo, ...) they mostly make it abroad (!). One of those band is considered as the major french progressive band (because of the high sold Charles-Cros-Academy-awarded "Par Les Fils De Mandrin"). This band is Ange. In another hand, I think this band is more a "chanson" group. The lyrics are very unique and singer Christian Décamps like to play with his words. The prog-image of the band is right when you consider the first period (1970-1978) but, like Genesis (a band they were compared with), their music was more oriented to rock (Vu D'Un Chien, 1980) or even variety (Egna, 1985). This error of orientation made their fans go away and even a great album like "Les Larmes Du Dalaï Lama, 1992" couldn't help the band meeting back the success. Ange broke up in 1996 after a farewell tour.
Then Christian Décamps brang back together another band with a younger line-up named Christian Décamps & Fils. The spirit of that new band was so close to Ange's one that Ange came back in 1999 with nearly the same line-up as CD&F... The new young members (Hassan Hajdi, Christian Décamps,...) made the music much more fine and one of their best albums since 1978, "Culinaire Lingus", was issued in 2002. After then, Ange's album were much less interesting...
As it is for many progressive band, it is very difficult to fill in the best work of Ange in only 2CD, that's why this compilation is a 3CD-set.

CD1 :

1. Docteur Man
2. Le Soleil Est Trop Vert
3. Le Soir Du Diable
4. Dignité
5. Ces Gens-Là
6. Aujourd'hui C'est La Fête Chez L'Apprenti Sorcier
7. Bivouac - Final
8. Le Cimetière Des Arlequins
9. Les Longues Nuits D'Isaac

10. Sur La Trace Des Fées
11. Jour Après Jour
12. Au-Delà Du Délire
13. Aurealia
14. Les Noces
15. Autour Du Feu
CD2 :
1. Hymne A La Vie
2. Le Chien, La Poubelle Et La Rose
3. Réveille-Toi

4. Capitaine Coeur De Miel
5. Je Travaille Sans Filet
6. Vu D'Un Chien
7. Saga
8. Le Bal Des Laze (Michel Polnareff cover)
9. La Gare De Troyes
10. Shéhérazade

CD3 :
1. Neuf Heures
2. Là (Pour Personne)
3. Crever D'Amour (Coït Terminal)
4. Revoir Les Sorcières De Salem
5. Tout Feu Tout Flamme
6. L'Or, L'Argent Et La Lumière
7. Nonne Assistante A Personne A Tanger
8. Elle Fait Mes Rides
9. L'Eau Qui Dort
10. Adrénaline
11. Intérieur Nuit

12. On Sexe
13. Naufragé Du Zodiaque
14. Harmonie (live)
15. Tous Les Boomerangs Du Monde

My Ange TOP3:
1. Emile Jacotey (1975)
2. Guet-Apens (1978)
3. Culinaire Lingus (2002)
My Ange BOTTOM3:
1. Egna (1985)
2. Tout Feu Tout Flamme (1987)
3. Moteur ! (1981)


Anonymous said...

Le Blog est absolument fabuleux...

En tant que fan de ange , je ne peux qu'applaudir la qualité de la compil...

Anonymous said...

Le plaisir est partagé.

Notre premier plaisir est d'abord de faire nos propres compil. C'est un jeu si amusant, et le fait de faire nous même les pochettes est d'autant plus sympa.

De partager les morceaux avec des gens qui aiment et qui prennent autant de plaisir à (re)découvrir nos artistes préférés est un bonus.

Merci des compliments en tout cas.

Anonymous said...

Merci et beau travail. Etre fan d'un groupe rend l'exercice de la compilation très difficile même s'il est agréable à réaliser car on baigne dans la musique que l'on apprécie... Chapeau bas pour les artistes a longue discographie...